Completely Good for Nothing
I have been home for 10 days and have failed to do anything of merit or lasting value in all that time.
I have ambitions. I really do. It's just that I can't seem to motivate myself to do anything about them. This may be resulting from my current state of senioritis, bearing in mind that I am, after all, and finally, a senior. In college. The impending end of an era is upon me. The Era of the Grand Mooch. After I graduate, I believe it will no longer be acceptable to mooch off my parents for money, food, or shelter. Which may be a good thing. Maybe all I need is a good kick in the pants out the door and into the real world.
My 22nd birthday is in 2 days. I have no idea how to even begin processing that fact. Year 21 was wicked short.
Everyone is getting married and/or having babies. I saw one of my old high school classmates at Chico's yesterday and she introduced me to her two-year old. Wowza. I can't even imagine having a kid myself. Or a husband. That thought is just too weird. I think I am going to be one of those "late bloomers" who get married in their thirtys. I have the feeling that I will meet my future hubby in some seedy local dive in South America somewhere, another soulful wanderer like myself, seeing where the current of life takes him, going along for the ride. Sigh.
But all is well in Wacky World as of now. I just need to get motivated and do something. Like clean my room. There is a lot of junk in here that I don't need and someone else would probably throw away. Like my old Jennie Gymnast doll. Or the half a dozen Puzz 3Ds under my bed. Or the 4 million National Geographics in front of my chiffarobe. Does anyone want this stuff? Yeah, I didn't really think so anyway.
I am glad that no one reads this blog because it is überboring. I am getting bored writing it. Entonces, yo voy a mirar la pelicula más brillante en el mundo, el clásico "Jackass," porque me alegra mucho. Hoy día, he hablado mucho de español con mis amigas salvadoreñas que trabajan en Chico's, el restaurante más brillante en el mundo. Ellas no hablan inglés, y era una buena oportunidad para practicar el español. Espero que hay un programa cerca de su apartamento donde ellas pueden aprender inglés. Voy a buscarlo.
J'aime la langue espagnol, et la langue français, et la langue japonais, et la langue allemand, et toutes les autres langues dans le monde. Je veux apprendre toutes les langues. Je suis fou.
Ciao, chau, sayonara, und Auf Wiedersehen.
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