Random thoughts at 4:00 in the morning...

Victrolas are expensive.
Yesterday, I realized that my happy place needed a victrola, so today I went browsing around Ebay to see how much one cost. A nice one with a big bell and a working crank is like 800 dollars. Yikes. Good thing adding one to my happy place is free. Now I just need a Bing Crosby record.
I like to ask people about their happy places. I think it tells a lot about them.
Steel drums are also expensive. So I guess I won't be getting a steel drum for my birthday this year. Darn.
I found a neat blog that gives instructions on how to make all kinds of cool stuff, like hollow books to store valuables in, flame throwers, ballistic gel, and other useful things. It's at www.how2dostuff.blogspot.com, just in case you're interested.
I really should be in bed right now, and I even have to go to the bathroom, but I am too lazy to get up out of this chair and do anything else other than play on the Internet. How pitiful.
My list of things to do this summer after I drag my tired, broken, malnourished body back home from the Auschwitz that is Summer I term:
-finish painting my ceiling (still too much white)
-read Don Quixote (this one's not for fun)
-learn to play the guitar (a lofty ambition, is it not?)
-sleep (a lot)
-get a tan (maybe a fake one)
-make a hollow book (to store my flame thrower in)
I am a huge loser.
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