And I am going to slurp it up. With cocktail sauce. And maybe a shot of tequila...

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Thrift Store Romance

Today a strange thing happened to me.

I was killing time in the thrift store, browsing through the book section, when an elderly man came up to the CDs and began looking through them. He asked me about several of the CDs and if they were any good. To be polite, I responded and talked to him a little, showing him a few I thought he would like. I got a feeling the conversation was going down a weird road though when he told me I was pretty and asked if I was married. I said no, and then lied and told him I had a boyfriend. He said, "I'll beat him off with a stick. You can spend my whole social security check." (There's a desperation and sadness in that last sentence that would almost be funny if it weren't so, well, sad.) Then he asked me my name and I lied again and told him I was Sarah. He closed his eyes and murmured, "Sarah...that's a beautiful name." Things got weirder from there when he proceeded to show me how spry he was for a 70-year old by wiggling his pelvis back and forth and then he asked me for my phone number. I think my open-mouthed dumbfounded look must have made him a little unsure of his charms, because then he told me that he would take me with him to Paris and Sweden if I wanted. I honestly don't remember what I said after that, but I think I started backing away. He told me that next time I come to the thrift store, make sure it was on a Saturday because that is when he's usually there. I was like, "Yeah, right, okay." After he finally left, I just stood there shaking my head because I couldn't believe that I had just been hit on by a 70-year old man.

That is a new low.


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